West Hansen and Jeff Wueste
“The Arctic Cowboys, a team of four intrepid explorers in two tandem sea kayaks, were the first ever to kayak the entire 1600-mile infamous and treacherous Northwest Passage from Baffin Bay to the Beaufort Sea. For decades, several previous efforts were launched to row or paddle this legendary route through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, but all were thwarted by sea ice, winter storms, and the harsh climate, until now.
West Hansen MN ’12, along with his longtime expedition partner, Jeff Wueste, led this Explorers Club Flag expedition #214 and completed the hard-fought journey along with Dr. Eileen Visser of New York and Mark Agnew from the UK. This epic adventure took over 100 days in the Arctic Ocean.
West’s previous Expeditions: Amazon River (2012), Volga River (2014), Northwest Passage (2022 – 23)”
Please join West and Jeff for an evening of stories and videos of their 2023 kayak expedition in Canada’s Northwest Passage
5:30 pm cocktails
6:30 seated dinner
Smart casual attire